domingo, junho 01, 2008


"Here's what happens. The reporter—call him Joe—hops aboard McCain's old campaign bus, the Straight Talk Express. He knows the Arizona senator's well-known charms. He will not be seduced.
Chatting amiably, Joe asks about a Republican colleague. With ironic solemnity, McCain responds by describing his fellow senator with an anatomical epithet. Against his better judgment, Joe chuckles. (Never heard that from a presidential candidate before!)
He asks a probing question about McCain's personal life—and the senator answers without hesitation, never asking to go off the record. (Is there nothing this guy won't be candid about?)
Joe's detachment is already crumbling when McCain offhandedly mentions a self-deprecating anecdote from his time "in prison." The reporter knows the reference is to McCain's years as a POW in Vietnam, back when Joe was sucking bong hits at Princeton. (Guilt, guilt, guilt...)
McCain asks Joe about his kids, by name, then recommends a new book he's been reading—something unexpectedly literary (I.B. Singer's short stories?). Seamlessly, he mentions an article Joe wrote—not last week, but in 1993!
The reporter has never voted for a Republican in his life. But he's a goner."

Palavras do 'conservative writer' Andrew Ferguson a propósito de John McCain citadas num
excelente artigo de Michael Tomasky intitulado "Who Is McCain?" publicado na New York Review of Books desta quinzena e disponível aqui.

ps. Ao contrário do que tem sido divulgado pela imprensa nacional e por alguma imprensa internacional, eu não apoio McCain. Confesso que simpatizo mais com ele do que com os outros, até porque tive a oportunidade de privar com ele enquanto fui mayor de Wichita (the air capital of the world). No entanto, depois de ler este artigo, não gosto mesmo de nenhum. O meu sonho em termos de política é que o Zizek e o Badiou se tornem reis do mundo. Sou um monárquico confesso.

1 comentário:

seabra disse...

Mantorras a presidente!!