quarta-feira, outubro 08, 2008


"The most revealing moment happened earlier, when she was asked about Obama’s attack on McCain’s claim that the fundamentals of the economy are sound. “Well,” Palin said, “it was an unfair attack on the verbage that Senator McCain chose to use, because the fundamentals, as he was having to explain afterwards, he means our workforce, he means the ingenuity of the American people. And of course that is strong, and that is the foundation of our economy. So that was an unfair attack there, again, based on verbage that John McCain used.” This is certainly doing rather than mere talking, and what is being done is the coinage of “verbage.” It would be hard to find a better example of the Republican disdain for words than that remarkable term, so close to garbage, so far from language".

James Wood, "Verbage: the Republican War on Words", The New Yorker, 13.10.2008.

1 comentário:

El-Gee disse...

Bom artigo. Mas por acaso nao acho que este james wood, em geral, tenha 1 prosa mt clara.

entretanto fui ao youtube ver o debate do obama-mccain e passado dez minutos adormeci. Nao dizem nada.

é tipo

- Oica la, gosta da cor verde?

- Bom, ao povo americano, que é um povo inteligente e trabalhador, deverá ser dada a inteira liberdade de escolher democraticamente qual a melhor cor para forrar as suas salas de estar, para pintar os seus carros, para se vestir. Como ja digo ha varios anos, o senador aqui ao lado desde sempre manifestou uma tendencia cor-de-rosa choque para absorver qualquer cor do mundo, com a sua visao errada da paleta cromatica da nossa nacao. O presidente bush tem borbulhas amarelas e nunca vestiu nada verde na vida.